Hello! My name is Hallie Damber. In high school, I was very interested in photography and web design. I enjoyed going out and searching for things to take pictures of with my film camera as a beginner and then, I moved into digital photography and loved the manipulation you could achieve within photoshop even with a film strip. I created a Levitation series portfolio for my final photography project and won First Place Portfolio Overall. I honestly think that was the first time I ever received an award for something I had worked so hard on and it felt incredibly rewarding. 
After high school, I struggled to get my feet on the ground and went through a lot of ups and downs, but that brought me to where I am now in my late 20s. I struggled to find myself and eventually, I saw an advertisement for a local coding boot camp that was state-funded, so I applied to the Full-Stack Developer boot camp. I was accepted and from there I learned the basics of coding like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and many other frameworks. I collaborated with a team for our final project and worked on the front end with HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap to design the web pages. From there, I learned that I enjoyed designing web pages and applications. It lets me be creative and express my ideas physically.
That acknowledgment lead me to take a UX/UI boot camp and it has opened my eyes to an endless amount of ideas I had never thought of. I finally found something I could wrap my head around and enjoy doing, besides when one of my two cats decides to jump on my desk and keyboard and input their little ideas in here and there (they are some of the best coworkers I've had if I'm being honest).
My goal in life is to find a career that I truly enjoy waking up to every day and to live comfortably without struggling in life. And I think I am finally as close to that goal as I ever have been in my life. I just need to find that perfect company that will want to take a chance with me so I can show them what I can do and how determined I am to succeed and learn from criticisms so I can continue to grow. 
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